发表在 2024年4月1日

社区医院's rich local history, 由富有远见的领导者和慈善合作伙伴提供动力


蒙特利半岛社区医院庆祝 90年来对社区的关怀 今年. Since its 1934 genesis as a 30-bed general hospital in Carmel called Peninsula 社区医院, visionary leadership and local philanthropic partnerships have resulted in major innovations and milestones that led the hospital to where it is today — a community-wide healthcare system that continues to meet the area’s growing needs.

整个社区医院的历史, 慈善合作伙伴关系,比如与莫瑞·丘奇·科伯恩的合作, 塞缪尔·F.B. 莫尔斯, and so many others have set the stage for the hospital to do truly great things for the community. We wouldn’t be where we are today without members of our community supporting and partnering with us. These community-based relationships enable 蒙太奇的健康 to evolve for the greater good of the community.

- Michele Melicia Young,全球网络赌博平台基金会主任


社区医院 got its unofficial start in 1929 as a metabolic disorders clinic in Carmel, 由格蕾丝·迪尔·韦利·哈里斯捐赠成立, 约翰·迪尔的孙女也是约翰·迪尔拖拉机财产的继承人. 五年后, 因应社会不断变化的需要, 诊所改为半岛社区医院.

Setting in motion the events that led to modern-day 社区医院 was a profound philanthropic partnership between 汤姆东京, 社区医院的第一任首席执行官, 塞缪尔·F.B. 莫尔斯, founder of Del Monte Properties Company, the predecessor of the Pebble Beach Company. 随着蒙特雷半岛的繁盛和繁华, Tonkin and 莫尔斯 recognized that the hospital needed to expand to continue meeting the community’s growing needs. So, in 1955, 莫尔斯捐赠了22个素数, pine-tree-filled acres in the Del Monte Forest for the hospital’s building site.

In 1961, Peninsula 社区医院’s name was changed to 社区医院 of the Monterey Peninsula, 一年后, 社区医院开设了100个床位, 210,霍尔曼高速公路上一幢占地1000平方英尺的建筑. 这个设施花费了3美元.500万美元,其中大部分来自社区捐款. In 1971 the hospital added its iconic dome over its fountain court and 72 rooms, 包括一个精神健康部门, 社区捐款资助了这个400万美元项目的一半.














The iconic fountain court before the building was constructed around it in 1971.


今天, 社区医院的病人, 游客, 员工们享受着不同于其他医院的工作环境. 在一个感觉更像客厅的大厅里, 音乐——有时是现场音乐——与汩汩冒泡的喷泉和谐共存. 精心策划的艺术品装饰着几乎每面墙, buffering the routine stress of a hospital visit with inspiring moments of calm reflection and peaceful energy. 中世纪的现代建筑坐落在精心设计的景观中, pristine forest provides the building’s occupants with views of nature from nearly every window.

“我在全国各地的医院实习过, 没有别的医院我更愿意去工作了,博士说。. Jon Benner是一名外科医生,他于1980年加入该医院的医务人员. “虽然有很多大医院, this is by far the most pleasant space in which I’ve practiced — and that has been because of the people, 太.”

This unique healing environment was established with intention thanks to Maurine Church 科伯恩, 莫尔斯的妻子和东京的朋友. 科伯恩, 他于1977年去世, was on the Board of Trustees when the new hospital was being developed and was integral in selecting the architect, 爱德华·杜雷尔·斯通, 指导医院的设计.

科伯恩’s legacy endures today through an endowment she started with the goals of creating a healing environment through art, 体系结构, 和音乐, 赋予未来几代卫生保健工作者权力, 并支持有需要的病人.

科伯恩 believed what later studies would prove: Creating a healing environment in healthcare spaces improves patient outcomes and promotes patient and staff well-being. She believed such an environment was the perfect complement to the high-quality medical care patients would receive.

The Maurine Church 科伯恩 endowment supports 蒙太奇的健康’s healing spaces through programs and services including the 社区音乐节目 that features soothing live music in the hospital’s fountain court and skilled nursing facility, the 艺术项目, 把艺术带到所有蒙太奇医疗机构的墙上, 还有医院的景观, which matches the building’s physical imprint with the natural beauty of the surrounding area.

毛里是一位人道主义者. 她热衷于支持我们社区的健康, 无论是通过职业发展, 教育, 艺术, 或者富有同情心的医疗. 她看到了这些东西是如何结合在一起的.

— Dr. 史蒂文·帕克,全球网络赌博平台公司总裁兼首席执行官

Grateful for the care and compassion she was shown by 社区医院’s 护士 toward the end of her life, 科伯恩和东京合作带来了 mauurine Church 科伯恩护理学院 在蒙特利半岛学院. 近40年前通过她的捐赠基金成立, 该校已毕业1名以上,600名注册护士, 他们中的许多人留下来照顾蒙特利县的社区. 毛里教堂科伯恩捐赠基金也支持社区医院 赞助关怀计划,为有需要的患者提供免费和大幅折扣的护理.

毛是一位人文主义者. 史蒂文·帕克,全球网络赌博平台公司总裁兼首席执行官. “她热衷于支持我们社区的健康, 无论是通过职业发展, 教育, 艺术, 或者富有同情心的医疗. 她看到了这些东西是如何结合在一起的.”

"在社区医院的历史中, 慈善合作伙伴关系,比如与莫瑞·丘奇·科伯恩的合作, 塞缪尔·F.B. 莫尔斯, and so many others have set the stage for the hospital to do truly great things for the community,米歇尔·梅利西亚·杨说, 全球网络赌博平台基金会主任. “We wouldn’t be where we are today without members of our community supporting and partnering with us. These community-based relationships enable 蒙太奇的健康 to evolve for the greater good of the community.”


Since its inception, 社区医院 has evolved in lockstep with the community’s growing needs.

“Philanthropy has fueled innovation and progress at 社区医院,” Packer says. “That has made our healthcare team’s experience here an extremely positive one, and that of course translates to excellent care for patients because they have extremely skilled clinicians using state-of-the-art medical devices that are usually only found in big-city hospitals.”

社区医院’s roots run deep on the Monterey Peninsula and throughout the county. “We take the word ‘community’ in our name very seriously,” Packer continues. “全球网络赌博平台公司庞大的医生网络, 护士, 治疗师, and many other care providers practicing in close-knit Monterey allows for more personal relationships between patients and care providers. 当你在如此亲密的社区里治疗病人时, that patient might be your child’s teacher or the cashier at your local grocery store.”

这种特殊的联系转化为独特的个人护理. “We’re caring for our friends, acquaintances, neighbors, and relatives,” Packer says. “我们的医疗保健系统是由这个社区的成员创建的, 我们的本地根源是我们今天的基础.”



杰伊·哈德森,汤姆·唐金,还有. 史蒂文封隔器


社区医院历史上只有三位首席执行官:汤姆·汤金, the hospital’s first CEO; Jay Hudson, 谁在1968年加入医院担任助理院长, later taking over for Tonkin in 1990; and Dr. 史蒂文封隔器, 社区医院现任第三任首席执行官, who succeeded Hudson in 1999 after a term as the hospital’s Chief of 工作人员.

“在这么长的历史中,只有三位首席执行官,这是非常独特的,哈德森说。, 他曾与东京密切合作,现在仍住在当地. “汤姆·东金对卓越有着强烈的追求.他把这种热情传递给了他的两位继任者.

他们对卓越的追求根植于对社区的承诺, striving to provide the highest-quality care and a work environment that offers prosperity to its staff. 这一承诺延续至今.

帕克说:“我们的员工任期很长. “我们的许多员工已经为我们工作了20年、30年、40多年. 这说明在我们的历史中, 我们创造了一个人们愿意工作的环境. And when our staff thrives, that translates to better patient care and outcomes.”



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